USkills-up Marketing Battle for students

Date: February 21, 2024 10:00 am

Speakers: Leading Kazakhstan's Universities Teams

Address: Almaty, Satpayev Street, 16a, Turan University

On February 21, 2024, the third International Marketing Tournament for Universities and Colleges, “USkills-up Marketing Battle,” was held at Turan University. This year was special because the tournament’s theme was a rich and exciting area: the use of artificial intelligence in marketing.

The tournament’s goal was to demonstrate the ability to use artificial intelligence services in developing marketing strategies and show the process of creating them, choosing tools, and overcoming possible difficulties.

This year, seven teams from 6 leading universities in Kazakhstan took part. Each team presented a unique marketing strategy for a real-life business using artificial intelligence tools. The ideas and solutions presented to the jury impressed with their diversity and innovation.

The following teams became the winners:
1. AIStudent – team from Almaty Management University.
2. NO LIMITS – representatives of the University of Turan.
3. Krengi – participants from Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz.

This tournament, held for the third year in a row, has become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience in marketing not only among Kazakh universities but also with the participation of representatives from Russia. The tournament accepts works in three languages—Kazakh, Russian, and English—which allows teams from different countries to participate.

The tournament jury, consisting of experienced marketing practitioners and members of the Kazakhstan Marketing Association, assessed the idea’s creativity, practical applicability, and adaptability to real market conditions.

We congratulate the tournament’s winners and participants on their impressive achievements and look forward to new ideas and innovations at the USkills-up Marketing Battle next year!